Thursday, November 13, 2014

MySQL database not showing in cPanel

MySQL database not showing in cPanel

If database is not showing in cpanel, make sure database exists in the
server. If it exists, make sure permission/ownership of database is

Then check whether database details are listed in

If it is not listed in it, run following command to fix it.


Check cpanel and database should be listed in it.

If database size is zero while listing, run the following command to fix it.


If it’s not works

/scripts/upcp –force

/scripts/checkperlmodules –force


Sender verify defer for : require_files: error for /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/mail/mailman: Permission denied

2014-10-26 16:11:29 H=localhost.localdomain ( []:56296 sender verify defer for <>: require_files: error for /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/mail/mailman: Permission denied

Run following script to fix this issue. 
 /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/bin/check_perms -f

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Webmail mail login error : IMAP Error: Login failed for from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 184 (GET /cpsess545521111/3rdparty/roundcube/index.php)

Log to be checked if using roundcube

tail -fn0 /var/cpanel/roundcube/log/errors

 IMAP Error: Login failed for from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 184 (GET /cpsess545521111/3rdparty/roundcube/index.php)

Please go to WHM > Change Hostname area and change your hostname to server.domain.tld instead of domain.tld. After you've changed the hostname to be a subdomain off the main domain rather than the main domain itself,  After doing that, move these files:

cd /etc
mv userdomains userdomains.bak
mv domainusers domainusers.bak
mv trueuserdomains trueuserdomains.bak

After moving those files, then run this command:


You will get messages about the files you’ve moved no longer existing. Those files will be recreated by the command.

Advanced linux commands for quick system analysis

There are many linux commands which help you in many ways

#ifconfig :-

this command is used to setup network details . Also we can see ip address of the system . there are many uses of this command . complete usage of this command can be seen use command  "man ifconfig " .

some uses of that commands are :-
ifconfig -a   --> will show all details of networks

ifconfig eth0 --> will show details of fist ethernet network

 ifconfig eth0 down --> will take first ethernet down  or shutdown ethernet first

 ifconfig eth0  up -->  just opposite to the down command . it will start firsth ethernet

ifconfig eth0  netmask -->  will set system ip to and

 netmast to

#netstat :-
 netstat is very important command to use on servers . it shows details about all port activities . which port are working and how many connections on the ports at any time . complete usage of this command can be seen using command "man netstat" .
Some uses of this commands are :-

netstat -a --> will show all port activities
netstat -at --> will show all TCP port activities
netstat -au --> will show all UDP port activities
netstat -l --> ports which are listening
netstat -tl --> TCP ports which are listening
netstat -s --> statistics for all ports
netstat -st --> statistics for alls TCP ports only
netstat -n --> will show hosts in numeric form i.e. in ip address forms
netstat -c --> continuously

use many commands combinations to get your desired results . like :-
netstat -atn | grep ":8080 "  --> it will show connections on only 8080 port

# netstat -tan | grep ':80 ' | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c
      2 CLOSING
     11 FIN_WAIT1
     49 FIN_WAIT2
      8 LAST_ACK
      2 LISTEN
     27 SYN_RECV
    608 TIME_WAIT

#nslookup :-
this command is used to see dns entries of any domain or ip . like
nslookup --> it wil show details about , its ip and max available info
nslookup --> will show details about this ip address
nslookup --> will show details of from dns

 traceroute :-

this command is used to trace route between your system to destination . use :-
traceroute --> will show all nodes of connectivity between your system and servers .

#iostat :-

this command is used to get all input and output statistics over all hard disks. to install this command in system use  "yum install sysstat " .uses :-
iostat --> will show average of input and output operation on every disk partition .
iostat 2 --> will show continuously current io statistics .


mpstat shows output stats of every processor available .

mpstat , mpstat -P all --> will how all processors statistics .

mpstat -P 0 --> will show just first processor output statistics .

#uptime :-
it will show uptime of your server . that means from how much time your server is running . This will reset after restart of server . to use it just write uptime in shell and hit enter

server# uptime
 23:54:25 up 11 days, 19:19,  2 users,  load average: 14.73, 10.45, 9.63

wall :-
this command is used to send a message to all shells of that system . Suppose many people are logged in on that server . If any one want to convey any message to all people then use wall .like :-
wall "dont delete anyfile from directory /home/suhail" --> the message will appear to every one logged in the server

#w,who,whoami ,who am i :-
these three commands will provide you details about how many user are logged in the system and from how much time .
w --> will show details of all logged in users .
who -- > similar to w but show less details .
whoami --> will show you your username .
who am i --> will show you more details about your login .

#top :-
top is most basic and mostly used command . it can provide complete overview of your system . This will show CPU usage , RAM usage , load on system ,which process is using maximum system .etc .

#htop :-
slightly modified version of top command . It show use individually of every CPU .

#rsync :-

this command is used to make two directoris in sync with each other . This can be used over two different systems or on the same system itself .

rsynch -uar /home/suhail/   /home/backup/ --> this will send all updated file from /home/suhail/ directory to /home/backup directory .
rsync --rsh='ssh -p22' -aur root@    /home/suhail/images/ --> this command will get all files from different machine to current machine .

with ssh key
server # rsync -avzrp -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/id.suhail" /home/suhail/public_html/* root@

#lsof :-
it will provide list of open files . there are many uses of this command . like :-
lsof --> list all opened files on the system
lsof /home/suhail/suhail.log --> will show open statistics for specific file  /home/suhail/suhail.log
lsof +D  /home/suhail/  --> will show files open under directory /home/suhail/
lsof -u root --> will show files opened by user root .
lsof -p 5 --> will specify opened file by specific process .i.e process id 5.

#find :-
this command is used to search any file in the system .this can be used like that :-
find /home/ -name abc.txt --> this command will try to search file abc.txt under directory /home/ .
find / -name abc.txt --> this command will find abc.txt in the whole system .
find . -name abc.txt --> this command will find abc.txt in the current directory .

#whereis :-
this command will search the location of commands . like:-
whereis cp --> will show the location of cp command . This may also search is binary files .

#alias :-
this command is used to create aliasing for any command. this command is helping to create shortcuts of commands .like :-
alias pp="ls -lhtr" --> after this if you run pp command this it will show results equivalent to ls -lhtr

this command will remove the alias created .like:-
unalias pp --> now pp will no longer be any alias .

#df :-
this command is used to show storage usage of all hard disk partitions . like :-
df -k --> this will show all partitions witgh there usage and free memory available in bits.
df -kh --> this will show size in MB KB and GB format .

#du :-
this command is used to show disk usage by directories and files . this can be used in maby ways .
du --> will show directories which are using some space that means files which are non empty .
du -a --> this comamnd will show all files . also will show empty files
du -ah --> will show memory in human readle form like KB MB GB .
du -s --> will show summarised memory .
du -sh * --> will show memory taken by all files and directory at your current location with human readable form .

this command is used to find difference between two files . for comparison of two files this is well structured command .
diff file1 file2 --> will print differences between this two files  .


Today, one of the customer SSH(cPanel) getting error as below when they logged into their jailed shell access.
-jailshell: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
-jailshell: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
-jailshell: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable

To overcome the problem, simply run the following command from root.
for i in `ps aux | grep username | awk '{print $2}'`; do kill -9 $i; done

for i in `cat /proc/mounts | grep username | awk '{print $2}'`; do umount $i; done