Sunday, April 26, 2015

Someone is currently logged into the APC Management Web Server Please try again

If you get a page saying ‘Someone is currently logged into the APC Management Web Server. Please try again later.’ when trying to connect to a managed APC PDU via the web interface there are a couple of likely causes.

  1. Someone is connected via the serial port – this will always override any IP connection.
  2. The web interface is ‘stuck’.
If it’s number 1 then you’ll need to find the machine physically connected and disconnect the terminal session, but the fix for number 2 is quite simple.
Just telnet to the device, then log off. This will reset the APC Management Web Server and you’ll be able to log in.


Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.

User Name : username
Password  : ************

Switched Rack PDU: Communication Established

------- Control Console -------------------------------------------------------

     1- Device Manager
     2- Network
     3- System
     4- Logout

     <ESC>- Main Menu, <ENTER>- Refresh, <CTRL-L>- Event Log

Type 4 and Hit enter key
> 4
Connection Closed - Bye

Connection closed by foreign host.

Disconnected from remote host( at 17:26:07.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file Vtiger CRM 6.2

To fix this

vi /vtlib/vtiger/deprecated.php +441

Add (comment ) //  in front of:
die("sorry! attempt to access restricted file.");

then see what happens.


If you get the below error while restarting/starting csf, then you just need to apply below fix.

csf: FASTSTART loading Packet Filter (IPv4)
Error: FASTTART: (Packet Filter IPv4) [] [iptables-restore: line 14 failed]. Try restarting csf with FASTSTART disabled, at line 4285

Edit csf config file located at /etc/csf/csf.conf and disable FASTSTART by editing FASTSTART = “1” to
Once the change is made restart csf by running csf -r, csf should be running fine now.