Command:[/sbin/iptables -v -A OUTPUT ! -o lo -p udp -m state
--state NEW --dport 53 -j ACCEPT]
Error:[iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.]
You should check through the main output carefully
If you are unable to add a new block for an ip
via CSF Iptables modules are not loaded into your server’s kernel.
you’re getting the following error on a OpenVZ VPS server:
Command:[/sbin/iptables -v -A OUTPUT ! -o lo -p udp -m state
--state NEW --dport 53 -j ACCEPT]
Error:[iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.]
You should check through the main output carefully
Login to Main node and make a small
change in OpenVZ iptables configuration in /etc/vz/vz.conf
as follows:
root@srv2 [~]# vi /etc/vz/vz.conf
Add the following
IPTABLES=”ipt_REJECT ipt_tos ipt_TOS
ipt_LOG ip_conntrack ipt_limit ipt_multiport iptable_filter iptable_mangle
ipt_TCPMSS ipt_tcpmss ipt_ttl ipt_length ipt_state iptable_nat ip_nat_ftp”
Once this line is added,
restart your vps or all vps nodes on the hardware node will be restarted to
make iptables modules available.
This should resolve the issue.
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